Congratulations ERSF 2019 Award Winners!


Project TitleNamePartnerSchool NameAward NamePrize Name
Remote control salt/sand spreaderAawaiz AtifAyhim FarhatEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 4 DivisionalBronze
Don’t Throw, RegrowMohammad ShehadehEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 4 DivisionalBronze
The Murdoch ProjectIris Jean BoreykoAurora Charter SchoolGrade 4 DivisionalBronze
Finding the Best Water Warriors to Prevent Flash FloodingZenia PereiraAurora Charter SchoolGrade 4 DivisionalSilver
What we play is, what we think and do?Nandika SenthilkumarShushanth SakthiAurora Charter SchoolGrade 4 DivisionalSilver
Think FastMalaak AbdoEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 4 DivisionalGold
Difference between lighting a led bulb with a lemon and potatoSerenity Yamniuk-bigginSwan Hills SchoolGrade 5 DivisionalBronze
A Year Without WaterJude AlzobiEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 5 DivisionalBronze
It’s a Praise MazeHarleen BasantiAurora Charter SchoolGrade 5 DivisionalBronze
Can Disinfectants Kill Bacteria After Its GrowthE’sa HusseinEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 5 DivisionalSilver
Hydropower EnergyYusif GilasEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 5 DivisionalSilver
Hedge’meltAswath GovindStratford SchoolGrade 5 DivisionalGold
Help Me To SeeYousef RabahEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 6 DivisionalBronze
Hot Stuff!Nolan HuhnAurora Charter SchoolGrade 6 DivisionalBronze
Do Weight And Size Matter?Aeden BeideAurora Charter SchoolGrade 6 DivisionalBronze
Save the ChocolateKateri DoranAlternative Learning ProgramGrade 6 DivisionalSilver
PhotophobiaNurul-eman SaifiEdmonton Islamic AcademyGrade 6 DivisionalSilver
It’s a Hue Reaction!Mikael FoxLymburn SchoolGrade 6 DivisionalGold
Click, Spin, FocusHadiya MithaAurora Charter SchoolProfessional Biologists’ AwardHonourable Mention
Save the ChocolateKateri DoranAlternative Learning ProgramProfessional Biologists’ AwardAward
Do Words Really Matter?Ameer JomhaEdmonton Islamic AcademyGenome Alberta Genomics Award – ELHonourable Mention
Can Disinfectants Kill Bacteria After Its GrowthE’sa HusseinEdmonton Islamic AcademyGenome Alberta Genomics Award – ELAward
Look AgainMalik El-TarrasEdmonton Islamic AcademyVision Science AwardHonourable Mention
How Our Eyes Really SeeOwen MacDonaldSwan Hills SchoolVision Science AwardAward
Are you Flu Smart?Nish GautamNellie CarlsonCarolla Christie Excellence in Communications AwardHonourable Mention
Hedge’meltAswath GovindStratford SchoolASM Material Science AwardAward
Can slime be magnetic and be a conductorPaige MartinDa-In WooEcole Mother D’Youville SchoolChemical Institute of Canada AwardHonourable Mention
Brittle BonesRyann AboughaoucheSummer SleimanEdmonton Islamic AcademyChemical Institute of Canada AwardAward
Graphene: Wonder Material or a Pie in the SkyKavya KariamalLynnwood SchoolACPA Rick Dillen Memorial AwardHonourable Mention
Graphene: Wonder Material or a Pie in the SkyKavya KariamalLynnwood SchoolE.H. Gowan Physics AwardHonourable Mention
The Core TruthLeah MoumeAurora Charter SchoolE.H. Gowan Physics AwardAward
Are You Faster than Light or Deep Space Spaghetti?Bethel BerhaneLela GoddardAurora Charter SchoolRASC Astronomy Award – ELHonourable Mention
Lucy Spacecraft – Away it GoesMaya EndaleAurora Charter SchoolRASC Astronomy Award – ELAward
Paw PreferenceJaylene StrydhorstBusby SchoolYoung Scientist Award – Grade 4Award
Are you Flu Smart?Nish GautamNellie CarlsonYoung Scientist Award – Grade 5Award
Do Weight And Size Matter?Aeden BeideAurora Charter SchoolYoung Scientist Award – Grade 6Award
Think FastMalaak AbdoEdmonton Islamic AcademyBest in Elementary AwardAward

Junior & Senior

Project TitleNamePartnerSchool NameAward NamePrize Name
Longer the expiry date, shorter is yoursZia Maria KuruvillaStratford SchoolJunior DivisionalBronze
A Light in the Dark: Investigating the Bioluminescent Properties of P. fusiformisLydia TesfayeAurora Charter SchoolJunior DivisionalBronze
BlinkomaniaIsa KhanEdmonton Islamic AcademyJunior DivisionalBronze
How Zit Going?Iiesha MoumeAurora Charter SchoolJunior DivisionalBronze
Do You Remember Your DreamsPardis FarrokhiSir George Simpson Junior HighJunior DivisionalBronze
ConcussionsJacob LeongAurora Charter SchoolJunior DivisionalSilver
Diesel From the FieldReid PidsadowskiSir George Simpson Junior HighJunior DivisionalSilver
Water My Seeds Doing In Water Beads?Zoe YeeParkview SchoolJunior DivisionalSilver
Battle of the Lotions, How well does you lotion combat dry skin?Ava HacheParkview SchoolJunior DivisionalGold
The NIVSM Pod: A Wireless End to a Wired WorldJonathan AfoworkAurora Charter SchoolSenior DivisionalBronze
The Effects of Various Naturally Derived Fruit Extracts on the Viability of Mouse Islet beta cellsMuhammad ShahzadOld Scona SchoolSenior DivisionalBronze
Ferrofluid in Adaptive OpticsConnor McMullinParkview SchoolSenior DivisionalBronze
The Zika Virus Vaccine – A New Hope for Glioblastoma Multiforme PatientsBavsheet SohalMahi RawatAurora Charter SchoolSenior DivisionalSilver
Diamonds in the rough: Maximizing Diamond RecoveryHamdi AliEdmonton Islamic AcademySenior DivisionalSilver
Intelligent Architecture – Can AI predict architecture that makes us happy?Lenard GrossmannArgyll Home School CentreSenior DivisionalGold
How Zit Going?Iiesha MoumeAurora Charter SchoolFortis Femella Health Sciences AwardAward
The NIVSM Pod: A Wireless End to a Wired WorldJonathan AfoworkAurora Charter SchoolHuman Biology AwardHonourable Mention
The Effects of Various Naturally Derived Fruit Extracts on the Viability of Mouse Islet beta cellsMuhammad ShahzadOld Scona SchoolHuman Biology AwardAward
It’s All in the DNAAshika MehndirattaNoor GillAurora Charter SchoolGenome Alberta Genomics Award – JRHonourable Mention
Blood EngineeringReetu ArvikarAurora Charter SchoolGenome Alberta Genomics Award – JRAward
The Science of Intermittent FastingMaria JaniszAurora Charter SchoolGenome Alberta Genomics Award – SRHonourable Mention
The Effects of Various Naturally Derived Fruit Extracts on the Viability of Mouse Islet beta cellsMuhammad ShahzadOld Scona SchoolGenome Alberta Genomics Award – SRAward
Inattentional BlindnessHannah AbdoEdmonton Islamic AcademyBehaviour Science AwardHonourable Mention
A Study on the Effect of Music Intervals on Emotional ResponsesQin Tong WuJappn GrewalOld Scona SchoolBehaviour Science AwardAward
Calling… OutSaransh ChaudharyAurora Charter SchoolCarolla Christie Excellence in Communications AwardAward
Slick SolutionEisha ArvikarAurora Charter SchoolPetroleum Society Educational Trust Fund AwardAward
BlinkomaniaIsa KhanEdmonton Islamic AcademyIEEE Award of ExcellenceHonourable Mention
Intelligent Architecture – Can AI predict architecture that makes us happy?Lenard GrossmannArgyll Home School CentreIEEE Award of ExcellenceAward
BlinkomaniaIsa KhanEdmonton Islamic AcademyTed Rogers Innovation AwardHonourable Mention
Smart StickNatsian MusbahJannine MraicheEdmonton Islamic AcademyTed Rogers Innovation AwardAward
Diesel From the FieldReid PidsadowskiSir George Simpson Junior HighACPA Alberta Chemist AwardHonourable Mention
Deep Down the Surface TensionMaidah ArifAl Mustafa AcademyACPA Alberta Chemist AwardAward
Diesel From the FieldReid PidsadowskiSir George Simpson Junior HighACPA Rick Dillen Memorial AwardAward
BlinkomaniaIsa KhanEdmonton Islamic AcademyKruger Memorial Senior Solar Energy AwardHonourable Mention
The NIVSM Pod: A Wireless End to a Wired WorldJonathan AfoworkAurora Charter SchoolKruger Memorial Senior Solar Energy AwardAward
Globular ClustersAnusha SrivastavAurora Charter SchoolRASC Astronomy Award – Jr./Sr.Honourable Mention
Affect of Space on HumansRiya SalianAurora Charter SchoolRASC Astronomy Award – Jr./Sr.Award
Intelligent Architecture – Can AI predict architecture that makes us happy?Lenard GrossmannArgyll Home School CentreTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist
Diamonds in the rough: Maximizing Diamond RecoveryHamdi AliEdmonton Islamic AcademyTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist
Battle of the Lotions, How well does you lotion combat dry skin?Ava HacheParkview SchoolTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist
Water My Seeds Doing In Water Beads?Zoe YeeParkview SchoolTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist
ConcussionsJacob LeongAurora Charter SchoolTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist
Diesel From the FieldReid PidsadowskiSir George Simpson Junior HighTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist
BlinkomaniaIsa KhanEdmonton Islamic AcademyTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist
The Effects of Various Naturally Derived Fruit Extracts on the Viability of Mouse Islet beta cellsMuhammad ShahzadOld Scona SchoolTeam Edmonton CWSFFinalist